Post Apocalyptic, Zombie, Romance Release – Delivering Hope (Survival, #3)


If you want to know why you should buy Delivering Hope then check out the first three chapters for free here:

Knotweed City Limits
Long & Winding Road

The book has been released in both ebook and paperback. And, just to make it easier for you, I’ve compiled a list of those places that you can buy it below.

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Release Date, Cover Reveal, & Birthday Bear

As those of you who follow me on social media may have become aware, I finally finished my edits on Delivering Hope this week. That means I’ve been sorting out a rather tentative release date and starting to prep all of my release websites (which of course includes Amazon, Smashwords, and Draft2Digital amongst others).

If you haven’t started the Survival trilogy already, I would encourage you to get the first two books. They come in both ebook and paperback BUT if you check out my release event page on Facebook for Delivering Hope, then you can get voucher details on buying the Breaking Cadence ebook at an even cheaper price from Smashwords.


Continue reading “Release Date, Cover Reveal, & Birthday Bear”

Christmas & Levelling Up: 2015 To 2016

I did mean to write a post sooner than I have, but with it being a holiday season I ended up working far more hours and days than I expected to.

Plus, a few of my colleagues ended up off sick. Christmas Day itself is the only day that the restaurant I work at actually closes all year so that has probably been my only peaceful day seeing as I have worked every day since – up until yesterday that is.

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Miracle On This Street

Okay, maybe not so much a miracle, but I have been watching my favourite Christmas film – the ‘94 version with Richard Attenborough and Mara Wilson – and I put up our tree. Yes, I know it’s early, but I enjoy all the trappings of Christmas. I may not be Christian, but I think the holiday is a pretty good one.

It’s supposed to be about being selfless & giving. And that doesn’t mean just giving material things, it could mean your time and energy as well. Not every present has to be wrapped up in a bow.

Although, bows do help.

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