Read Chapter Three Of Alpha Submission Free

Don’t forget, Alpha Submission can be preordered now for its release on the 30th June 2021, but if you can’t wait that long…
Continue reading “#Fridayreads: Free Third Chapter”Don’t forget, Alpha Submission can be preordered now for its release on the 30th June 2021, but if you can’t wait that long…
Continue reading “#Fridayreads: Free Third Chapter”Don’t forget, Alpha Submission can be preordered now for its release on the 30th June 2021, but if you can’t wait that long…
Continue reading “#Fridayreads: Free Second Chapter”Okay, maybe not so much a miracle, but I have been watching my favourite Christmas film – the ‘94 version with Richard Attenborough and Mara Wilson – and I put up our tree. Yes, I know it’s early, but I enjoy all the trappings of Christmas. I may not be Christian, but I think the holiday is a pretty good one.
It’s supposed to be about being selfless & giving. And that doesn’t mean just giving material things, it could mean your time and energy as well. Not every present has to be wrapped up in a bow.
Although, bows do help.
I know you guys have been waiting for the release of Forgiving Zander and I know it has seemed like it’s been a very long time coming, but Gayla and I have been working really hard on bringing it to you as soon as possible. And now I can finally set a release date.
Not only that, but I can finally reveal to you guys what the cover looks like!
Awesome, huh?
And it will be released on Friday 17th of July!