Miracle On This Street

Okay, maybe not so much a miracle, but I have been watching my favourite Christmas film – the ‘94 version with Richard Attenborough and Mara Wilson – and I put up our tree. Yes, I know it’s early, but I enjoy all the trappings of Christmas. I may not be Christian, but I think the holiday is a pretty good one.

It’s supposed to be about being selfless & giving. And that doesn’t mean just giving material things, it could mean your time and energy as well. Not every present has to be wrapped up in a bow.

Although, bows do help.

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Announcement of a Book Release Date!

I know you guys have been waiting for the release of Forgiving Zander and I know it has seemed like it’s been a very long time coming, but Gayla and I have been working really hard on bringing it to you as soon as possible. And now I can finally set a release date.

Not only that, but I can finally reveal to you guys what the cover looks like!

Awesome, huh?

And it will be released on Friday 17th of July!

Continue reading “Announcement of a Book Release Date!”