Miracle On This Street

Okay, maybe not so much a miracle, but I have been watching my favourite Christmas film – the ‘94 version with Richard Attenborough and Mara Wilson – and I put up our tree. Yes, I know it’s early, but I enjoy all the trappings of Christmas. I may not be Christian, but I think the holiday is a pretty good one.

It’s supposed to be about being selfless & giving. And that doesn’t mean just giving material things, it could mean your time and energy as well. Not every present has to be wrapped up in a bow.

Although, bows do help.

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Horror Movie Survival Kit–[Top Ten Items]

I had an email recently from the cool guys behind ManCrates. They’re a gift service that specializes in crates for men that contain awesome gifts. The idea is that you have to open them with a crowbar to get into the goodies inside. Pretty cool in my opinion.

In fact, screw men. I want a crate I have to jemmy with a crowbar. Why should fellas have all the fun?

Although, to be fair, it would probably take me forever to open it, even with a big hunk of metal to help. I could, however, get Howard Bear to wrench it open for me, which might be useful when it comes to the subject of today’s post….
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Fourth & Last Free Chapter Before Release Day!

So I gave you guys chapter three, Coming Apart, of Forgiving Zander yesterday and today I’m giving you chapter four! That means this is the last chapter you get free before release day, which is tomorrow (Friday the 17th)!

Are you ready for the apocalypse…?

And, of course, I have to advise that you read Breaking Cadence first as that is the first part of the trilogy.

As a side note, happy birthday to possibly my number one fan, Ian Manton (@imant64)!

Continue reading “Fourth & Last Free Chapter Before Release Day!”

Read The Third Chapter Free Online Now!

So I gave you guys chapter two, A Visitation, of Forgiving Zander yesterday and today I’m giving you chapter three! That means you get one more chapters after this one until release day (Friday the 17th)!

And, of course, I have to advise that you read Breaking Cadence first as that is the first part of the trilogy.

Continue reading “Read The Third Chapter Free Online Now!”