Freshening It Up – New Covers!

I’ve been teasing you long enough about the new covers I designed for theĀ Indigo Skies series.I’m hoping that you’ll really like them. I’ve even made a start on the paperback covers.

Hopefully Createspace will continue to love me and they’ll all go live pretty quickly today as fast as the ebooks go live.

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Book Blogger, Lend Me Your Ears!

If you’re a book blogger or bookstagrammer or an author or litfiend, I’m looking for you.

Not in the way Liam Neeson might be. This is much less scary. Or is it…?

No. It is.

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Calling The Wolf Cover Reveal!

It’s time for a cover reveal! Those of you who follow my various social media feeds will know that I’m all excited because we have a cover forĀ Calling The Wolf!

And yes, I have been teasing you with terribly small clips of it in the form of the main picture for this post. But a cover reveal is terribly exciting and I find it hard keeping it all to myself!

Continue reading “Calling The Wolf Cover Reveal!”