The Grass Is Greener

It’s been a rather mixed couple of weeks. I’ve been spending most of my time gardening, job searching, doing house chores, family visiting, and desperately trying to make time for more writing.

I did manage to create a new banner for my social media places, though, which you can see above. Continue reading “The Grass Is Greener”

New House Buyers: The Trials & Tribulations

That’s right, we’re almost officially house buyers. A week ago today, we put in an offer for one of the houses we had looked at. The great news? The offer was accepted immediately!

Of course, there are contracts and such to sign before anything is official. We also have to wait for the current owners to find and secure a new property of their own. It’s the first time we’ve ever been house buyers. We’re both pretty excited – and daunted – all at the same time!

Continue reading “New House Buyers: The Trials & Tribulations”

Hospitals, Birthdays, & Pink Hot Chocolate!

With the excitement of last week’s cover reveal & the ridiculousness of the Trump Beast the week before that, I didn’t get around to telling you guys anything else. For shame! But we’ll get on and rectify that with some updates!

Those of you who came here via the main page will know that Calling The Wolf is currently standing at 64, 086 words!

Continue reading “Hospitals, Birthdays, & Pink Hot Chocolate!”

Trying To Get Elfy

Heads, shoulders, knees & toes!

Well, mostly heads and knees. My head and my knees. I had a delightful early trip to the doctors this week. And I have another booked in for next week and one shortly after Christmas. Wooh…

No offence to any readers that are general practitioners but you’re just below dentists on my ‘what makes me anxious’ scale. It’s not your fault you scare the crap out of me.

But anyway…

Continue reading “Trying To Get Elfy”