Publishing Anniversary, Dad’s Birthday, & Sick Again

So it’s been just over two years since I published my first story, thanks greatly to Katarr Kanticles Press, online as an ebook. That first tome, though short, seems to have been especially well received over time. It was Desecrated Bonds and it marked a journey into the unknown (illustrated below by a shot from the drive to my dad’ birthday meal).

The journey so far has led me to sell seventy books. Maybe that doesn’t sound like a lot, but it’s seventy more books than most people ever sell and it’s seventy more than I’d sold two years ago. And, if I’m honest, I don’t think that’s too bad!

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Lush Cosmetics, Boilers, & Downward Dips

I was going to pen a blog post tomorrow, but due to unfortunate occurrences I will, instead, be going to visit with in-laws. Mr Bear’s grandmother has been taken ill and so we’re going to see her and (hopefully) cheer her up a bit. Wish us luck!

On a more positive note, I’ve had some time off from work lately; partly for my birthday and partly because Howard Bear had time off so I wanted to spend a few days with him where neither of us was working. One of these days off ended up being a trip through to York and a visit to one of my favourite stores – Lush!

In case you don’t know what Lush is, it’s a shop for handmade cosmetics. The products are wonderful and the shop always smells so heavenly from them! I definitely recommend that you try them or at least have a wander into a shop. Although, I will warn you, that the staff, fantastic though they always are, are also very helpful.

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Promo Bits, Interviews & Author Friends

What have I been up to lately? Well, let’s see. Work and visiting people. Not to mention seeing my parents. My mum is okay. Not brilliant, but she’s waiting on the doctors to sort her out properly. Scraps of writing have been accomplished here and there, but not as much as I would have liked.

I have, however, focused on creating a few promotional images for the existing books that I have for sale. Here’s one now:

As you may have guessed, this one is for Preying On Time. There are another two for that particular book, which I’ll post below.

They’re nothing amazing, but I wanted to be able to get across a bit about the book as well as catch the eye of anybody skimming through. The idea was to make colourful images with a snapshot of either the blurb or a small excerpt from the book itself.
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Progress, Authors, Presents, Parents & Kitties Needing Help

So what do I have to tell you this week, my dears? Well, nothing much really. It’s pretty much been work, work, work, cleaning, work, work, work here. But oh well. We can’t have everything we want, now, can we?

On the plus side, I got a bit of Baying For Blood done. This means we’re up to the 33, 107 words mark. So woohoo! That’s about halfway or so, I’d say. We’re definitely into the middle bit anyway.

I’m loving writing Baying For Blood, but I have to admit that I wish I had more time to do it. Unlike lovely Gayla Drummond (@Scath) I can’t write quite so fast, either, as she inadvertently pointed out in a recent blog post.
Continue reading “Progress, Authors, Presents, Parents & Kitties Needing Help”