I know that’s not quite how the lyric ends, but there you go. After my last personal post, I bet you were hoping for some more positive news from me. Well, I got some more miserable news of my own, but I’m going to try to be upbeat and proactive.
Continue reading “I’m Gonna Build Castles From The Rubble”Tag: work
Top 10 Things To Drink (Whilst Writing)
It’s that time of week again and I just know you’re excited by today’s Top 10, my Top 10 Things To Drink (Whilst Writing)! So sit back and relax whilst I drink them down. Maybe you could even join me for a couple of glasses!
Are you ready…?
Unscrupulous Sellers
Today is a bit of a step away from my usual personal posts due to something disappointing that happened to me last week in regards to unscrupulous ebook sellers.
Needless to say, I was not a happy bunny.
One Year On
This was supposed to go out on Friday like all of my other posts, but, as is life at the minute, things got in the way. And more money, that I don’t have, was spent.
So here goes…