Progress, Authors, Presents, Parents & Kitties Needing Help

So what do I have to tell you this week, my dears? Well, nothing much really. It’s pretty much been work, work, work, cleaning, work, work, work here. But oh well. We can’t have everything we want, now, can we?

On the plus side, I got a bit of Baying For Blood done. This means we’re up to the 33, 107 words mark. So woohoo! That’s about halfway or so, I’d say. We’re definitely into the middle bit anyway.

I’m loving writing Baying For Blood, but I have to admit that I wish I had more time to do it. Unlike lovely Gayla Drummond (@Scath) I can’t write quite so fast, either, as she inadvertently pointed out in a recent blog post.
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Views, Book Trailers, TBRs & Flash Fiction

Page view watching has become a hobby at the minute. Not that it hasn’t always been a hobby, but at the moment I’m quite addicted. It’s especially lovely at the moment because my blog seems to be getting so much interest. Thank you for that, guys.

I don’t know what I’ve done to attract so much interest, but I’m glad it’s there. I mean, the whole of May hit more than 3k views on the blog. It hasn’t done that since January and before that it was consistently lower. I’m hoping that I can go back to the highs of 2010 and 2011 when page views were consistently higher than 3k every month.

Maybe that wasn’t by a lot, but at least it was something. And something is always good.

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A Little Disappointed

For alas, the last #SatSunTails accrued only one entry, which, whilst @LurchMunster’s entries are always brilliant, would leave me with only his entry as default winner.

I can only assume that this means the prompt and picture were too hard or just not everybody’s cup of tea. This saddens me a little as the idea is to bring you out of your comfort zones in order to procure better and more honed writing. There’s nothing better to bring out good writing than straying from your comfort zone.

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I Should

…Start writing short pieces of fiction again. I used to write flash fiction once a week as I’m sure a lot of you know, but I haven’t done so in quite a while.

It was a great flexing of written skills (which is what I hope to promote in #SatSunTails every week), but I lapsed due to work commitments and home issues.

Now, with the completion of Preying On Time (which is in its second editing stage) & the release of Desecrated Bonds, I feel I should begin again. But I guess we’ll have to see how I go with that considering certain time constraints.

I am, however, hopeful.

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