So Much Tiredness, But Getting Words In

In case you were unaware last week, I was pretty snowed under at work. I’ve had long days and then I ended up called in on my day off, too. To say it was a hectic week for me is probably an understatement. And include into that the bi-annual performance review, too.

Hectic. Week.

Oh. And I also had a tyre valve replaced on the car and organised for her MOT next week. Keep everything crossed for me that Pretty will pass or at least not cost me too much money to have her fixed.

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Migraines, Katarr Kanticles & Too Much To Do!

Yet again, struck down by a migraine. This time it was at work. In fact, this is the first time that I’ve had one start at work, which would be horrible enough if it wasn’t for the fact that I have some really awesome colleagues who helped me get in touch with my other half and go home before they soldiered on without me.

Of course, time off work means less money. And when I’m ill it’s not as if I can get some writing done either. So yeah, I got to spend two or three days completely out of it and feeling very fuzzy mentally.

Thankfully the other symptoms (like vomiting water, pain, getting my words mixed up & light sensitivity) had all passed halfway through the second day. And I got to watch the little fellow in the picture above feeding at my window. I have two robins (he has a girlfriend, I think), two wood pigeons and a blackbird that visit at the minute, which is lovely. They don’t seem to care how vague I look when I have a migraine, either.

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Painting To Promo, Almost Done & Halloween!

So here we have the digitally edited version of my finished watercolour piece! What do you guys think? She was created ready to use for a Breaking Cadence promotional piece.

I know she’s not brilliant, but her skin tone looks much better and much smoother after editing. There’s also a lot of alpha transparency on her hair so that when I put her onto a different background it does look more real.

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Katarr Kanticles, YouTube & Not Much Else

Besides from a few little personal bits, the title really tells you all you need to know about what you’ll find here. I’ve been busy (as usual) the last week and not all of it with conventional work.

As you saw in my last post, I recently created a book trailer for Breaking Cadence, which was placed on youtube. That got me to thinking how I’d like to help some of my fellow authors create similar trailers. Most specifically, Katarr Kanticles Press authors.

They are a lovely bunch of people and, as one of their number, I didn’t feel as if I was doing enough for the greater majority. Hopefully, my new sort of role will help rectify that wrong.

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