Carry On, My Wayward Son

Okay, so we’ve been watching a little too much Supernatural at the moment in my house, but the sentiment is still the same. It’s been a damn long week and a busy one at the old, bill paying job. This is simultaneously good and bad. Good because more hours means more money, which means less financial stressors. And bad because more hours means being more tired and less time at home, which means less writing time.

Basically, my time at home has simply been to veg out in front of the wonderful faces of Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki (and now Misha Collins too since we’re a bit further through the box set) whilst falling asleep.

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Partying, Working, No Writing & Relax

Bear and I spent an entire day together on Monday, which was lovely, if tiring. After being on so many long days and late nights at work, however, it was a welcome change. We had a wander around town, bought a couple of bits and then we had a cheap and cheerful dinner at our local Wetherspoons.

It wasn’t the greatest meal ever, but it was made perfect by being able to spend it with this man (isn’t he so handsome? ;P)

He probably won’t appreciate me putting his face on the internet, but sometimes his face is too cute not to share with everybody. It also helps me get through some days when I get to see his face. And this past week has been one of those weeks.

Summer has hit us at work with full force. We are busy and then some.

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Party People, Hair, Nights & Desperately Needing Sleep

Toniiiiight, I’m gonna have myself a real good time…

Or, I’m going to try. No one can ever plan for that to definitely happen. It’s a colleague & friend’s birthday though (a belated eighteenth party) so it should at least be a little bit of a laugh. I’ll be quite sad when she disappears off to university and leaves us behind, even if she’ll probably be coming back in the half terms etc.

No idea what I’m wearing yet, but, as you can see, I’ve had my hair cut and dyed so at least I’ll look nice in some respect.

Unfortunately, having it cut proved how much I stress because my hair is turning white at age twenty-four. And not just a couple of hairs, either. I can’t decide whether this upsets me or not, though. At least if it’s white I’ll get a nice bright red everytime I dye it.

I could maybe even dye it blue one day without it turning green from bleach yellowing. Which would be great. I like blue hair a lot. Not sure what work would say, however…

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Baying For Blood, Work & Anniversaries

Do you guys like the new blog title list format? I’m seeing a lot more hits lately when I post titles like this, but I don’t know if that’s due to the information in the title or just a general garnering of more interest on the web. Of course, it would be lovely if the hits meant more comments too, but I’ll take what I can get.

Winking smile

If you follow me on facebook or twitter, then you may be aware that I’ve been fiddling with the lay out of my books page recently. I wanted to make it a bit more user friendly and add a few more pictures than just a wall of text.

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