Sequels, Cameras, Hearts, & Words

As I mentioned the previous week, I seem to have had an amazing response to Forgiving Zander’s release. I’m still not sure how exactly I achieved it, nor how I managed 15 book sales in one month, but I am very grateful to my lovely readers.

So if you did purchase either Breaking Cadence or Forgiving Zander, I would really like to know what it was that made you even click through to look at it? Please do comment below this post with your answers. I’d really like to know exactly what it was that I did right.

A great majority of my sales were through Amazon, too. And I’m wondering if the review that was posted so quickly (& which was gratefully received) was partly what helped with the launch.

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Elusive Time, Compliments, & Working Hard

I’m pretty tired today even though I had a lie in. My list of things to do keeps growing. Also, our place looks a mess and I seem to constantly run out of time to tidy it on top of everything else that I have to do. Basically, right now, I’m just really exhausted, but I have to go on. However, this is not meant to be a complain-y post.

Instead, this is supposed to be a post where I update you on my life, as usual. I know, I know… I missed the usual deadline of trying to achieve this a week or less since my last post, but I assure that it wasn’t to deny you my wonderful (ahaha, I joke) ramblings.

Instead, it was just a signifier that I have a lot to do right now.
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Through The Looking Glass

I’m not endeavouring to be a copycat, but the awesome Icy Sedgwick recently wrote a post entitled ‘What Do I See In The Mirror?’ in response to another blogger. I thought I would write one too as Icy’s post was so brilliant when I read it. And, after all, she did leave it with these fateful questions:

How about you? What do you see in the mirror?

So this is me. On a good day, anyway.
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If We Won The Lottery

Is a regular topic of conversation in our abode at the minute, which is quite silly, really, as my other half refuses to play unless it’s a rollover. He’s also worked out how much we’d need to win in order for it to be “life changing” and how much interest we would earn off it.

Anyway, I thought I’d share with you guys exactly what we would do (because we probably wouldn’t be the most conventional lottery winners).

On asking my other half what the first thing he’d buy would be, he replied ‘chicken’. By which he meant southern fried chicken take away (one of our favourites to get). He said he’d get that as a treat for us, whereas I thought I’d take us to a nice, slightly more expensive than usual restaurant where it would be quiet enough for the two of us to hear each other without lots and lots of people being there.

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