A WIP Adventure

A promise is a promise.

In a previous post [Aspiring Writers Pledge], I made the vow to regularly update readers on my WIP. Or at least as regularly as I could. Let’s face it, I’ll try as hard as I can but so much goes on in this crazy head of mine that I am likely to forget at some point.

But here goes…

So far, it’s going well. I’m up to 36, 035 words and counting (because I have the file open right now and plan to continue as soon as I finish this here post).

It’s still under the temporary name of Preying On Time, but that could all change and it probably will change should I ever get it published. I’m hoping so because I’m rather enjoying writing this particular story. Would you like to hear a little about it?


Well tough. I promised I’d tell you.

Continue reading “A WIP Adventure”

Guest Interview

@Scath, better known as G L Drummond, agreed to give an interview about her next science fiction release. This is a precursor to the blog tour she’s embarking on in order to promote her new title. Here she talks about her influences on writing, her inspiration and the reasons why you should get hold of Code Walker


An Interview With G L Drummond

What’s your name and where do you come from?

G L Drummond
Gayla Drummond, writing as G. L. Drummond. I hail from the planet Ork…wait, that’s not it. I’m a hybrid from Katarr…sort of. Oh, all right, I’m from Planet Texas. Yes, I do say y’all a lot.

And are you here for the free cape or the free sunglasses?

G L Drummond
If the sunglasses are Xray, they’re my choice.  Wait. Is the cape like an Invisibility cloak? Because that would be cool.

Continue reading “Guest Interview”

Flash Fiction No. 29


Half A Blink

She looked out of the wet glass. The heat condensed upon the cold, driving across the surfaces like a child running from a tragedy. The spray fell across her shoulders, warm and tempting. Crimson bled into the clear liquid.

Troubled eyes closed, a furrow aching her brow.

She rolled one shoulder and then the other beneath the spray. It had been a long time since she’d felt the comfort of a shower. She swallowed and bent her head gracefully to inspect the scarlet swathe. Her hand ghosted over the gash. She sucked air in through her teeth.

It had taken them such a long time to bring her back. Time was a tricky thing. They’d figured out the coordinates she’d been sent to, but they hadn’t wanted to risk trying to bring her back from that date. It would have been so difficult.

Continue reading “Flash Fiction No. 29”