Flowers, Weddings, & Halloween

Nothing exciting has really happened since my last post. I wish I could say that it had. I worked a lot over the weekend. Thirty hours plus, in fact, and squeezed in attending a wedding reception amidst that, too.

Incidentally, do you like the cupcake pictured above? It’s from the wedding reception I attended. It was for one of the chefs at work, Mr Joey Cullen, and his new wife Stacey. He made it himself.

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Halloween Book Treats & Holiday Anticipation

[Keep reading for Halloween book treat news…]

It’s half term in the UK this week. That means the kids are on a break from school, parents are pulling their hair out, and the restaurant I work at will be full to the rafters. Well, not quite… It’s in a listed building and upstairs is unused and off limits.

It also means that it’s nearly Halloween/Samhain/Samhuinn.

And as per last year, I am having a get together. It probably won’t be as big as the previous year, but I’m hoping that it’s just as good. There will be some new people as well as old people and I’m expecting to see some great costumes.

I’ve also arranged a nice seasonal treat for you guys…

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Non-Recovery, Parties, Mentions, & Sleep

The Road So Far… is apparently not one to recovery.

Sad times, huh? I write this whilst suffering a second cold that stole in off the back of a migraine so, as you can imagine, I’m feeling totally great… not. My throat is starting to hurt again, my glands are swollen, and my nose just will not stop blocking up.

Of course, having a stuffy head on top of a two day migraine was exactly what I needed. And thus, two days off were spent either sleeping or feeling sorry for myself. And the day after that was Salem’s birthday.

That’s right, my old boy turned fourteen this past week.
Continue reading “Non-Recovery, Parties, Mentions, & Sleep”

Wolves, Plot Bunnies, Decisions & Halloween

You may or may not be aware that Baying For Blood is pretty much finished. Next week will hopefully mean cover designs and such for it and we’ll be well on our way towards its release, which is so unbelievably great.

I’ve been working on Baying For Blood since I finished Breaking Cadence back in March of this year. As the sequel to Preying On Time, it’s been a long time coming, yet it’s also the probably the fastest I’ve ever finished writing a book.

I’m hoping that this sets a precedent; meaning I can finish more books over all and still to a high standard in a shorter amount of time. Winter at work is likely to be quiet, bringing fewer shifts and more periods at home where I can carry on writing.

And what exactly will I be writing next?

Continue reading “Wolves, Plot Bunnies, Decisions & Halloween”