Excerpt Deux!

Didn’t I promise another excerpt of Preying On Time after I provided you with the prologue in my Whetting Your Appetites post?

Well here you go. I kept my promise – even if it has been delivered later than I planned.

1. John Doe

“So who do we think he is?”

The police officer glanced up at her and then down at his screen once more, a scowl etched into his face. He highlighted things, pressed delete and then hammered the same information in again, the old keys clacking like arthritic knuckles in the chaotic jangle of paper, chatter and phone calls. The screen refreshed and the officer’s frown deepened.

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NEW RELEASE: Preying On Time

My awesome friends, today marks the release of Preying On Time!

This is the first book in my Indigo Skies series. And I am so very excited because I have been so busy with work and other events over the past few weeks that I didn’t realise it was quite so newly upon us! But here it is.

And my friend and the fantastic cover artist of Katarr Kanticles Press, G L Drummond AKA @Scath, has done such an amazing job on the new cover. I was completely stunned when I saw it and now, rather ridiculously, I can’t stop gushing over it!

Now here’s a quick run down of what it’s about with the blurbage and everything!

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Pink Ribbon Scars

The typewriter leaks ink on the muddied floor of my mashed up mind, but here in white crayon the letters unfold beneath blue splattered lines. I have scribbled in unfathomable words the discord of heart crimes and regrets. A waxen figure cuts the page, all pale silhouette.

A character of bittersweet memory and cloaked intent, she is my queen of disconnection.

Her tongue stabs with paper cuts in inkblot stains. This is my saviour. This is my wax scrawled beauty, half-sighted and sore. In broken dreams she haunts me.

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Bex Aaron’s Blog Tour Bonanza!

In a fantastic interruption to my usual posting schedule, we’re going American today with a guest post from the brilliant mystery author Bex Aaron.

This is just one of the many stops on her week long blog tour to promote her new ebook in the Independence Day series. The first book in the series is already online to download hereand it’s for free!

Bex Aaron – Mysterious mystery writer.

From the above picture, it’s almost hard to believe that Bex would have the murderous instinct to write such scintillating murder mysteries…

Tangled Webs is only the second book in her enthralling series. It received its release yesterday on Smashwords and Amazon ready for you to download and enjoy. But don’t just take my word for it, the wonderful lady has allowed us to take an exciting sneak peek with an excerpt right here!

And so, I shall hand over to the author herself who can show you exactly why you should snap up a copy!
Continue reading “Bex Aaron’s Blog Tour Bonanza!”