Non-Recovery, Parties, Mentions, & Sleep

The Road So Far… is apparently not one to recovery.

Sad times, huh? I write this whilst suffering a second cold that stole in off the back of a migraine so, as you can imagine, I’m feeling totally great… not. My throat is starting to hurt again, my glands are swollen, and my nose just will not stop blocking up.

Of course, having a stuffy head on top of a two day migraine was exactly what I needed. And thus, two days off were spent either sleeping or feeling sorry for myself. And the day after that was Salem’s birthday.

That’s right, my old boy turned fourteen this past week.
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Reminiscing On Writing

Almost sent an email today to someone I used to know to see if he was still alive, then I didn’t. Instead I closed it and left it as a draft. I’m not sure why.

I guess it’s because I’ve been reminiscing and for a while that person was quite prominent in my life. I suppose if he wanted to get in touch, though, he’d email and use my new address, because I gave him it last time, even if I was cagey.

Things change, though, and sometimes it takes a lot of awkwardness before you get to a more comfortable footing.

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20th #SatSunTails Winners

& so we have our #SatSunTails winner!

You can help by promoting next week’s #SatSunTails on your blogs, twitter, G+, facebook, tumblr etc, that would be great. Also, if you’re on twitter and you’d like an @reply every weekend in order to remind you that the competition is open then please leave a note regarding this along with your twitter handle in the comments of this post so I can set that up for you.

But for now, let’s get to the winners!

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12th #SatSunTails Winners

& so we have our #SatSunTails winner!

You can help by promoting next week’s #SatSunTails on your blogs, twitter, G+, facebook, tumblr etc, that would be great. Also, if you’re on twitter and you’d like an @reply every weekend in order to remind you that the competition is open then please leave a note regarding this along with your twitter handle in the comments of this post so I can set that up for you.

But for now, let’s get to the winners!

Continue reading “12th #SatSunTails Winners”