Extra Honesty in Poetry

A few weeks back, I showed you a piece of poetry that I’d recently written in the post 6 Weeks Ago…

I’ve been writing a lot of poetry recently around the same sort of subject. It’s not something I do consciously, but it always helps when I have a problem or a trouble that I can’t work through and I need to get out. Unfortunately, I can never seem to get out what I want to say verbally. It only seems to show itself in rhymes and such.

So here it is.

Here are my feelings pulled into words on a page, encased in rhythm and rhyme, twisted into something less complex and confused than half sentences and unfinished words. This is my vulnerability behind the veil. This is my unspoken sensitivity.

This is my honesty.

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Virtuous Flash Fiction: Kindness

Seven days…
Seven saintly virtues…


It was the sweetest.

The poison drained from his body, filling her veins and curling through her velvet heart. Colour returned to his face, but her lashes remained shut.

She backed onto her heels, the venom unfurling in her brain. Her breath held, lips tingling.
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