Is This The Good Life? Thoughts On Self Definition

I went for a job interview the other day. I didn’t get it. I’m not terribly sad about it, either. Maybe I should be, but it would have been part time and a thirty minute car journey there everyday, so it’s not a big loss.

But I guess I am having a little trouble defining myself without a paying job to my name. Sadly, being an author doesn’t yet count in that department. Hopefully, one day, it will.

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Taste Of Blood… An Indigo Skies Sequel

I’ve started writing the Indigo Skies sequel, which will be titled Taste Of Blood. I’ve been toying with the idea of simply writing a short story collection between books, but this sequel feels like the right thing to do.

Especially after setting so much up in Lightning & Power and Calling The Wolf.

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Strawberries & Mud

It’s been a busy, tiring week in new house land. Gardening is taking its toll both physically and mentally. We have tonnes to do.

Of course, it’s decided to rain today, which is not the best weather to be traipsing around a plot of land that is basically just mud. Ergo, nothing much has been achieved.

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Hot To The Touch

Our first week in our new house has been one involving lots of groundwork (literally) and being burnt to bits. It’s been ridiculously sunny and hot here. My poor ginger Bear has had to cower in the shade/drown himself in a veritable vat of sun cream in order to stay his lovely pale self.

I, on the other hand, have had my back burnt to a crisp. McCoys are planning to release me as their next speciality flavour.

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