Sequels, Cameras, Hearts, & Words

As I mentioned the previous week, I seem to have had an amazing response to Forgiving Zander’s release. I’m still not sure how exactly I achieved it, nor how I managed 15 book sales in one month, but I am very grateful to my lovely readers.

So if you did purchase either Breaking Cadence or Forgiving Zander, I would really like to know what it was that made you even click through to look at it? Please do comment below this post with your answers. I’d really like to know exactly what it was that I did right.

A great majority of my sales were through Amazon, too. And I’m wondering if the review that was posted so quickly (& which was gratefully received) was partly what helped with the launch.

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New Release Feedback, Hearts, & Hopes

As you are all no doubt aware, Forgiving Zander was released last week on Friday. I have to say that it was a much better launch than I anticipated and I am glad for those readers who waited up to purchase a copy.

That’s right, for the first time ever, I had a reader waiting for midnight in order to get their copy. It really is such an honour to me that anyone would want to do that with one of my books.

I’ve even had a few new copies of the first in the series, Breaking Cadence, sell since I lowered the price to honour Forgiving Zander’s release. I hope those of you that bought them & have/are reading them really do enjoy them.

To make things even better, Forgiving Zander has its first review up on Goodreads, too!

Continue reading “New Release Feedback, Hearts, & Hopes”

#Flashfiction No. 92

Mercy’s Phone Call

The breathing on the phone is shallow, trembling in the static on the line. I wait before I repeat my words, hoping they will speak.


Nothing except a vague tinkling noise and the whoosh of a loosened sigh. I close my eyes, transported to years ago.

“Why are you calling?” My heart sinks at the thought of her mutilated tongue. “Just come over…”

Continue reading “#Flashfiction No. 92”

Flash Fiction No. 78


The Love of Tragedy & Beauty

Serrated metal rakes bone. I grit my teeth, swallowing down the pain and closing my eyes real tight. The bone vibrations reach right into my shoulder blades as I grip the knife harder. Blood glistens on steel.

I am sweating, but I must complete my task.

Breath heaving in my chest, I shake off the pause and keep sawing until I almost pass out. Then I realise I must stop again. I must breathe. I must let the oxygen reach my near-mortal lungs.

Continue reading “Flash Fiction No. 78”