Question Time With Timony Souler

I mentioned last week that we have an extra special treat today in that the awesome Timony Souler is gracing our presence to talk about her latest book. As a close friend and a fellow author, I was particularly excited about introducing you guys to her work, too!

So here we go!
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Sequels, Cameras, Hearts, & Words

As I mentioned the previous week, I seem to have had an amazing response to Forgiving Zander’s release. I’m still not sure how exactly I achieved it, nor how I managed 15 book sales in one month, but I am very grateful to my lovely readers.

So if you did purchase either Breaking Cadence or Forgiving Zander, I would really like to know what it was that made you even click through to look at it? Please do comment below this post with your answers. I’d really like to know exactly what it was that I did right.

A great majority of my sales were through Amazon, too. And I’m wondering if the review that was posted so quickly (& which was gratefully received) was partly what helped with the launch.

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Full Moon

And I’m feeling rough. Not sure why. My brain has been all over the place. I keep forgetting things – even when I’m in the place that I want to be for the things I’ve forgotten, but even though I know there is something missing my brain is just not getting it.

I also feel sickly and headachey, though. Perhaps I am due one of my god awful nightmares for being so stressed all the time. There just doesn’t seem to be a moment where I stop, at the minute. Even in my dreams I’m racing around trying to fix stuff.

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Pink Ribbon Scars

The typewriter leaks ink on the muddied floor of my mashed up mind, but here in white crayon the letters unfold beneath blue splattered lines. I have scribbled in unfathomable words the discord of heart crimes and regrets. A waxen figure cuts the page, all pale silhouette.

A character of bittersweet memory and cloaked intent, she is my queen of disconnection.

Her tongue stabs with paper cuts in inkblot stains. This is my saviour. This is my wax scrawled beauty, half-sighted and sore. In broken dreams she haunts me.

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