Forming Thoughts

As you know, I’m nearing the end of my current WIP, Preying on Time, and I’ve been dithering over writing the ending. This is not because I don’t know what happens in the end or because I’ve suddenly found that I dislike the story immensely.

The truth is that I slow down for endings. I’m not willing to simply get on and write them usually because it means the end of one novel and the beginning if something new.

And I always have new ideas floating around to be written.

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The Death of Another Summer

Tomorrow is the start of the #DiceGames blog challenge. So that’s a thousand words of fiction for you every Monday this month. I also thought that I started back at work on Tuesday but apparently term begins on Wednesday instead!

So I have an extra day of freedom before I have to don my fluorescent coat and keep pedestrians safe as they cross the road.
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Dice Games

I seem to be getting myself into an awful lot of challenges lately. Luckily these aren’t the kind where I have to turn up with a sword and duel…

Although, that would be quite fun.

This isn’t the kind of challenge where I have to dice somebody up with a blade. I don’t even have to dice with death. but the dice will be deciding my fate… or at least the fate of some more flash fiction!
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Challenge Complete!

As you are aware, regular readers, I was recently involved in @LadyAntimony’s Seven Days, Seven Virtues blog challenge.

This involved writing very short pieces of fiction on the seven virtues that counteract the seven sins.

There will be another challenge soon, but until then please feel free to revisit any of the past entries. You might also want to join in with the challenges.
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