Flash Fiction No. 80


Fallen Dreamers

A myriad of words, tangled together like cotton. This was his poetry. The pages curled, feathering his nest.

I stepped across the white papers, bare feet rustling the remnants of his cut off wings.

Blood on my lips. His blood. I’d never tasted an angel before, but he certainly wasn’t an angel. Not now. Dark hair curved over my shoulder, slinking against naked flesh, as I cast him a gentle backwards glance.

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Flash Fiction No. 72


Autumn Whole

His lips pressed against the bare flesh of her breastbone, her pulse jumping against his skin. Fingertips ran across the line of her jaw, pulling free a sigh as her eyes lit with a smile, curving the corners of her soft mouth. Her gaze sparkled on his.

“Why did you come back for me after all I did?”

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#TuesdayTales: The Writer’s Cut


Usually I intersperse posts of fiction with those about my daily life. Today… that’s been cast out because it’s the extended edition of #TuesdayTales. This means that instead of the 100 word comments we’ve been leaving over on Glitter Word, today we leave the first 100 words of an 1000 word tale.

The above is the picture we base our stories around for today and the word prompt is Spectrum. For more details check out today’s starter post.

But this is my response….
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Dicey Flash Fiction: Week Four


Punch & Judy
This is week the last of the #DiceGames fiction challenge.

Damp patches blotted the bitumen, gathering in number until the tarmac was sodden. He waited until the rain was at its heaviest to load the car. The old pickup wheeled and wretched as the burdened sheets were slung inside, dripping wet.

He paused before packing away the tailgate, allowing his eyes to absorb the blood soaked linen. It was going to be a long drive. The discordant jangle of keys rattled in his ear as they turned in the door.

The air in the car was clammy.
Continue reading “Dicey Flash Fiction: Week Four”