Seasonal Book Trumps

I’ve been fiddling around with different ways to grab attention on social media for my books, lately, and, although it started off really nicely, it seems to have dwindled a little since then. I suppose it’s no guarantee, though.

On the upside, it does mean that we’ve trumped my previous best sales year by quite a bit! Which is a good thing, unlike some other kinds of Trump that are blowing about these days…

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Dinner, Mice, Spn, & New Site Progress

It’s been a busy week so far and, I don’t doubt, it’s only going to get busier as we are hosting our first wedding at work this weekend.

Last weekend we went for dinner with Howard’s father, siblings and grandparents, which was nice. We’d meant to see them a few weekends previously but things hadn’t worked out and so we’d ended up rearranging plans.

However, it ended up being a lovely meal and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Will be nice to meet up with them again soon.

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Leaping Forwards On A Leap Day

So, it all finally came to an end. I officially no longer work at Pizza Hut. Instead, I’m moving on to somewhere that looks to be a fantastic new start. And my first day is this next weekend, so if I’m a little absent over social media then it may be because I’m acquainting myself with the new place and have a lot to digest.

I really can’t begin to describe to you guys how much I’m looking forward to it. It’s going to be such a fantastic change of scenery (literally, as it’s at a beautiful farm tea rooms in the middle of some stunning countryside).

They also seem like wonderful people to work for and, having eaten there and visited before, I’m truly looking forward to working with the staff as well. Let’s just hope I manage to sleep through my excitement on Friday night so I’m all refreshed for the new day!

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Grand Finale

So, for the last three years, I’ve been part of a fantastic team at our local Pizza Hut. That’s right, I’m finally revealing the name of the restaurant where I’ve been working. Having now finished there, I feel like I can tell you about it more openly.

It’s been three years of ups and downs with some brilliant team members and even a couple of great managers. I’ve made some great friends and there are a lot of people that I will truly miss working alongside.

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