Horror Movie Survival Kit–[Top Ten Items]

I had an email recently from the cool guys behind ManCrates. They’re a gift service that specializes in crates for men that contain awesome gifts. The idea is that you have to open them with a crowbar to get into the goodies inside. Pretty cool in my opinion.

In fact, screw men. I want a crate I have to jemmy with a crowbar. Why should fellas have all the fun?

Although, to be fair, it would probably take me forever to open it, even with a big hunk of metal to help. I could, however, get Howard Bear to wrench it open for me, which might be useful when it comes to the subject of today’s post….
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Anxious Bruises, Interviews, Tees & Love

Firstly, I apologise to everybody who was waiting for a blog post on Thursday. You are quite right, they were my usual days for posting a weekly update, but I was at work this Thursday and had little time when I came home to create a post.

Friday I visited parents after work and Saturday I was there all day. Yesterday was a morning shift followed by cuddling up to Howard Bear and relaxing (well, it is nearly Valentine’s Day!).

So, as you see, I’ve been too busy to find the quiet time necessary to write this post for you, guys. Today, however, is a day off so I can tap away in relative quietness – bar our cats demanding to come in or go out. The latter totally disrupts my flow, but without being able to fit a cat flap there’s nothing I can really do.

And Barley is very persistent when he’s at the window, believe me.

Continue reading “Anxious Bruises, Interviews, Tees & Love”

Flash Fiction No. 91


Grey light buzzed in staccato overlay. I waited in the shadows of the car park. Eyes glinted in artificial luminescence. Petrol stench clanked in the air with cold sobriety, distinct and metallic.

I hunkered in the alcove. Glass littered the floor, splattered like crystals from the ceiling above. The useless filament hummed in the wrecked space.

Continue reading “Flash Fiction No. 91”


…is an awesome word and also what the snow appears to be right now.

Of course this means wrapping up warmly in my winter jumper again (as you can see above) and taking little white doggies out for walks in the beautiful snowfall. It’s quite lovely, actually, walking them in the dark with the silence and the glitter of white flakes and the lack of people.

Continue reading “Ubiquitous”