Blood, Gifts, & Striking

Where to start, this week?

I can’t say that anything truly exciting has happened recently. Apart from a blood test this morning, though I would hardly call that exciting. The nurse was very nice, however. I’m glad it was her that I saw because she was very pleasant and made me feel more at ease.

Of course, I don’t know how truly at ease anyone can be when they’re having blood taken. Especially for the first time.

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Lush Cosmetics, Boilers, & Downward Dips

I was going to pen a blog post tomorrow, but due to unfortunate occurrences I will, instead, be going to visit with in-laws. Mr Bear’s grandmother has been taken ill and so we’re going to see her and (hopefully) cheer her up a bit. Wish us luck!

On a more positive note, I’ve had some time off from work lately; partly for my birthday and partly because Howard Bear had time off so I wanted to spend a few days with him where neither of us was working. One of these days off ended up being a trip through to York and a visit to one of my favourite stores – Lush!

In case you don’t know what Lush is, it’s a shop for handmade cosmetics. The products are wonderful and the shop always smells so heavenly from them! I definitely recommend that you try them or at least have a wander into a shop. Although, I will warn you, that the staff, fantastic though they always are, are also very helpful.

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Stationary Therapy

Hi guys. I’m not going to be very buzzy in this post, I’m afraid. I seem to be in a bit of a slump and currently there’s no way out and the more people ask me if I’m alright the more, inevitably, I feel like I must be pretty awful.

I know I’m not, though. I know I’m functioning pretty normally for the most part. I just feel a bit… not me, inside. And that’s nothing I can really help at the minute.

There’s no real reason for it as far as I can tell. It could be a combination of things or just nothing at all, as I suspect.

Mostly, I’m just a bit down. It’s not even really a feeling of being down. Just a feeling of nothingness, which is quite often a hard feeling to deal with. And the nothingness can be quite upsetting, especially when it’s pointed out over and over again.

So if anyone is asking: Yes. I am fine. Please do not ask any more.

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L’esprit De L’escalier

I’ve realised I make comments about some things like I don’t care in order to hide the fact that I care too much, in case it bites back at me or something.

I’m pretty sure it won’t, but I worry a lot that people think I’m being silly and over emotional about things. I worry that they realise I invest my heart in certain things and certain people and make myself vulnerable. And I’m not sure why it matters that they know how vulnerable about certain things and certain people I am when they are friends that I’m talking to.

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