0% Writing, 100% Stress

Above, you can see the least stressful drink in the world. It was made by a colleague at work – thanks Emily! She knew that I was feeling a little anxious about certain current events and was trying to help cheer me up.

And for once, we’re not talking about President-Elect Trump!

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Flowers, Weddings, & Halloween

Nothing exciting has really happened since my last post. I wish I could say that it had. I worked a lot over the weekend. Thirty hours plus, in fact, and squeezed in attending a wedding reception amidst that, too.

Incidentally, do you like the cupcake pictured above? It’s from the wedding reception I attended. It was for one of the chefs at work, Mr Joey Cullen, and his new wife Stacey. He made it himself.

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Grand Finale

So, for the last three years, I’ve been part of a fantastic team at our local Pizza Hut. That’s right, I’m finally revealing the name of the restaurant where I’ve been working. Having now finished there, I feel like I can tell you about it more openly.

It’s been three years of ups and downs with some brilliant team members and even a couple of great managers. I’ve made some great friends and there are a lot of people that I will truly miss working alongside.

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New Release Feedback, New Starts, & Old Friends

It’s been almost two weeks since the release of my latest book, Delivering Hope, and what a couple of weeks it has been!

And as ever, I am grateful to my fans for their support of the new book & completion to the trilogy! Of course, the best support comes from reviews (which as you know, help other fantastic readers to find my books). And it’s great to already have an amazing review up on Goodreads.

If you haven’t seen it yet, then you can check it out here!

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