Pumpkins, Kin, & Peppermint Tea

It’s been another long week that has involved shift changes, covering sick people, and still being quite ill myself. The cold moved onto my chest, which, I felt, was unnecessarily evil for it to do so. It seems to be mostly lifting, however, with a hand from peppermint tea.

Turns out that it’s pretty good for disintegrating that nasty mucus that settles on you. I’m so glad because this cough has been doing an amazing job of keeping me up nearly every night or waking me hacking up my lungs and unable to breathe. Which is all probably very annoying for Mr Bear.

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Illness, Father’s Day, Paperbacks, & Designs

Last week has been a bit of a rough one for both myself and Mr Bear. Somebody at work delightfully decided to share their cold with me, which I started coming down with at my friend’s 50th. Sadly, I didn’t realise quite how bad it was going to be. The illness that is, not the party.

I ended up with a terribly sore throat that progressed into sneezing, mucus, and just generally being unwell coupled with some heavy duty cramps on my only midweek day off. In regards to that, I confess that not a lot has been achieved on my part. Mostly, I was just cuddling a hot water bottle and feeling sorry for myself.

What productivity I did achieve was to design some new bits and pieces for my Zazzle shop. The shop holds a lot of designs in regards to official merchandise of my books, but now I’ve also created a subsection called Bookish Bits, where you can get pieces with book related designs on them. My favourite by far is the Drink Me rabbit inspired by Alice In Wonderland.

Of course, there are other designs over there and you should check them out. I promise that I try to keep the prices on them as low as possible, but there is a limit as to how low Zazzle will allow me to go.

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Hard To Catch

Dear regular viewers…

You may have noticed a distinct lack of posting on anything that is really just about me or a piece of flash fiction lately. For that, I have to apologise.

Those of you who know me through social media etc may be aware that I’ve been very busy of late (or at least it seems that way). There have been lots of social things to catch up on as well as an unfortunate death in the family – incidentally, if anybody wants some left shoes (size 10 and male) then please ask my cousin.

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Those of you on twitter may have noticed that I disappeared after posting last Friday’s piece of flash fiction, Cinders, and didn’t return until some time on Sunday. Saturday was a planned disappearance but Friday was not.

Things kicked off once more in our household on Friday night. Regular readers may already know what’s coming. Those who don’t, well…

My brother, Master Berserker, started a huge argument…

Continue reading “Myriad”