Grindstone, Writing, Creativity, & Future Plans

So, it’s back to work for me. At the day job anyway. I’ve spent my weeks off relaxing and spending more time with Howard Bear. Sadly that came to an end at the beginning of this week as he had to go back to the grindstone, too. It’s been especially hard adjusting to him not being home so much this time for some reason.

I wish we could spend more time together more often, but alas our work is so very different that we usually spend a lot of time apart. One day, I hope it won’t be like that, but for now it is and, just like many couples, we’ll have to deal with that.

However, that doesn’t make it any easier to bear.

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Lush Cosmetics, Boilers, & Downward Dips

I was going to pen a blog post tomorrow, but due to unfortunate occurrences I will, instead, be going to visit with in-laws. Mr Bear’s grandmother has been taken ill and so we’re going to see her and (hopefully) cheer her up a bit. Wish us luck!

On a more positive note, I’ve had some time off from work lately; partly for my birthday and partly because Howard Bear had time off so I wanted to spend a few days with him where neither of us was working. One of these days off ended up being a trip through to York and a visit to one of my favourite stores – Lush!

In case you don’t know what Lush is, it’s a shop for handmade cosmetics. The products are wonderful and the shop always smells so heavenly from them! I definitely recommend that you try them or at least have a wander into a shop. Although, I will warn you, that the staff, fantastic though they always are, are also very helpful.

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