New Release Fun & Exclusive Chapters!

So if you don’t know who Bex Aaron is then that makes me really sad. A brilliant writer and a great friend, her fourth book in the Independence Day series is out now!

Now, to give back to her writer friends as well as promoting her new (terribly awesome) book, Dirty Little Secret, she invited a few of us over on her release weekend to show off our books. If you guys found this blog through that page, then that’s fantastic, but if you didn’t you should totally go check it out: here.

Not sure you want to? Well, that’s cool, but you’ll be missing out on Bex (which is a sad, sad thing) and you’ll be missing out on the first chapter of Forgiving Zander that was posted exclusively to her event.
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Elusive Time, Compliments, & Working Hard

I’m pretty tired today even though I had a lie in. My list of things to do keeps growing. Also, our place looks a mess and I seem to constantly run out of time to tidy it on top of everything else that I have to do. Basically, right now, I’m just really exhausted, but I have to go on. However, this is not meant to be a complain-y post.

Instead, this is supposed to be a post where I update you on my life, as usual. I know, I know… I missed the usual deadline of trying to achieve this a week or less since my last post, but I assure that it wasn’t to deny you my wonderful (ahaha, I joke) ramblings.

Instead, it was just a signifier that I have a lot to do right now.
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So Much Tiredness, But Getting Words In

In case you were unaware last week, I was pretty snowed under at work. I’ve had long days and then I ended up called in on my day off, too. To say it was a hectic week for me is probably an understatement. And include into that the bi-annual performance review, too.

Hectic. Week.

Oh. And I also had a tyre valve replaced on the car and organised for her MOT next week. Keep everything crossed for me that Pretty will pass or at least not cost me too much money to have her fixed.

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Promo Bits, Interviews & Author Friends

What have I been up to lately? Well, let’s see. Work and visiting people. Not to mention seeing my parents. My mum is okay. Not brilliant, but she’s waiting on the doctors to sort her out properly. Scraps of writing have been accomplished here and there, but not as much as I would have liked.

I have, however, focused on creating a few promotional images for the existing books that I have for sale. Here’s one now:

As you may have guessed, this one is for Preying On Time. There are another two for that particular book, which I’ll post below.

They’re nothing amazing, but I wanted to be able to get across a bit about the book as well as catch the eye of anybody skimming through. The idea was to make colourful images with a snapshot of either the blurb or a small excerpt from the book itself.
Continue reading “Promo Bits, Interviews & Author Friends”