Dinner, Mice, Spn, & New Site Progress

It’s been a busy week so far and, I don’t doubt, it’s only going to get busier as we are hosting our first wedding at work this weekend.

Last weekend we went for dinner with Howard’s father, siblings and grandparents, which was nice. We’d meant to see them a few weekends previously but things hadn’t worked out and so we’d ended up rearranging plans.

However, it ended up being a lovely meal and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Will be nice to meet up with them again soon.

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Sunshine, Seagulls, & Book Progress

It’s been an on and off week as far as the weather is concerned. One minute we’ve had bright sunshine followed by rain and even some fog in the mix. Last Sunday, however, was a wonderful day, living up to its namesake.

It meant that Howard and I headed to the beach for burgers and doughnuts as well as a little stroll.

I can’t explain to you how lovely it’s been to go from having pretty much zero days off together to one set day every week. Sundays together mean that we actually see each other and spend more time with each other than we have in the past three years of living here.

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Whatever The Weather, Cars, & Cats

It’s certainly been a busy couple of weeks. Sadly, that means I’ve barely gotten any writing in on the new books. I was aiming for a good 10k words on Lightning & Power, which I plan to release first, but I’ve only just managed half of that.

Of course, that’s from a combination of new work commitments, bank holiday disruptions, and trying to get two new front tyres for my car. The latter doesn’t sound as difficult as it has been, I admit.

However, my locking wheel nut key was badly worn – something I’d been unaware of due to not having needed to remove the tyres since the car was bought last year. This meant we physically couldn’t get the wheels off because the locks couldn’t be turned.

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Holiday AKA Good Food, Animal Parks, & Keswick

It was Halloween last weekend and although we’d organised a little get together not many turned up due to seasonal birthdays and such. Still, here’s a picture of my witchy outfit:

Despite that, we had a good time. Of course, the next day was spent readying our bags for our long trip to the Lake District. And there was also the fun of packing the cats off to my parents (something they did not enjoy at all).

In fact, they were pretty unhappy about the whole thing. Barley cried all the way (and all the way back when we brought him home). And Salem managed to claw his way out of his cat carrier and ended up sitting on the backseat the whole way there.

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