Flash Fiction No. 39


Forever Unforgiven

Eyes lifted to his but saw through him.

“Why do you bother watching over him?” drawled a seductive voice from the other side of the café.

There was no response as the observer continued his vigil. The kid on the other side of the table looked back down at his milkshake, stirring it slowly with his straw. He tilted his cap lower, his thoughts dribbling into the muted atmosphere.

“You could just give him to me,” she purred from across the room, all leather and lace and a tiger-like smile. She stalked closer, light glinting off the tight material of her thighs. “I promise I’ll take care of him.” Her fingers twisted in his golden curls, tickling the skin just below his ear.

He pressed his lips tightly together. This was a game to her. She wanted to toy with their lives.

Continue reading “Flash Fiction No. 39”

Flash Fiction No. 36


Half Light

Petals drifted slowly downwards as spirals of pale tears in the soft blue light. They carpeted the floor, catching like raindrops in her loose hair. She expired, breath brushing the petals gathered by her face.

She felt dizzy as if she’d been twirling around and around before falling from a great height. Memory served no purpose.

Eyelashes embraced with a careless blink. She watched more pink slivers flutter to the silvery ground from the cherry tree shading her fragile body. The tree felt familiar in some way, but she couldn’t understand why. It was like grasping at something that only appeared in the half light.

Her hand moved to her chest, settling above the place where her heart lay. There was something missing that she couldn’t place.

It was lost.

Continue reading “Flash Fiction No. 36”