Top 10 Things To Drink (Whilst Writing)

It’s that time of week again and I just know you’re excited by today’s Top 10, my Top 10 Things To Drink (Whilst Writing)! So sit back and relax whilst I drink them down. Maybe you could even join me for a couple of glasses!

Are you ready…?

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Leaping Forwards On A Leap Day

So, it all finally came to an end. I officially no longer work at Pizza Hut. Instead, I’m moving on to somewhere that looks to be a fantastic new start. And my first day is this next weekend, so if I’m a little absent over social media then it may be because I’m acquainting myself with the new place and have a lot to digest.

I really can’t begin to describe to you guys how much I’m looking forward to it. It’s going to be such a fantastic change of scenery (literally, as it’s at a beautiful farm tea rooms in the middle of some stunning countryside).

They also seem like wonderful people to work for and, having eaten there and visited before, I’m truly looking forward to working with the staff as well. Let’s just hope I manage to sleep through my excitement on Friday night so I’m all refreshed for the new day!

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Horror Movie Survival Kit–[Top Ten Items]

I had an email recently from the cool guys behind ManCrates. They’re a gift service that specializes in crates for men that contain awesome gifts. The idea is that you have to open them with a crowbar to get into the goodies inside. Pretty cool in my opinion.

In fact, screw men. I want a crate I have to jemmy with a crowbar. Why should fellas have all the fun?

Although, to be fair, it would probably take me forever to open it, even with a big hunk of metal to help. I could, however, get Howard Bear to wrench it open for me, which might be useful when it comes to the subject of today’s post….
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Partying, Working, No Writing & Relax

Bear and I spent an entire day together on Monday, which was lovely, if tiring. After being on so many long days and late nights at work, however, it was a welcome change. We had a wander around town, bought a couple of bits and then we had a cheap and cheerful dinner at our local Wetherspoons.

It wasn’t the greatest meal ever, but it was made perfect by being able to spend it with this man (isn’t he so handsome? ;P)

He probably won’t appreciate me putting his face on the internet, but sometimes his face is too cute not to share with everybody. It also helps me get through some days when I get to see his face. And this past week has been one of those weeks.

Summer has hit us at work with full force. We are busy and then some.

Continue reading “Partying, Working, No Writing & Relax”