Question Time With Timony Souler

I mentioned last week that we have an extra special treat today in that the awesome Timony Souler is gracing our presence to talk about her latest book. As a close friend and a fellow author, I was particularly excited about introducing you guys to her work, too!

So here we go!
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Bex Aaron’s Blog Tour Bonanza!

In a fantastic interruption to my usual posting schedule, we’re going American today with a guest post from the brilliant mystery author Bex Aaron.

This is just one of the many stops on her week long blog tour to promote her new ebook in the Independence Day series. The first book in the series is already online to download hereand it’s for free!

Bex Aaron – Mysterious mystery writer.

From the above picture, it’s almost hard to believe that Bex would have the murderous instinct to write such scintillating murder mysteries…

Tangled Webs is only the second book in her enthralling series. It received its release yesterday on Smashwords and Amazon ready for you to download and enjoy. But don’t just take my word for it, the wonderful lady has allowed us to take an exciting sneak peek with an excerpt right here!

And so, I shall hand over to the author herself who can show you exactly why you should snap up a copy!
Continue reading “Bex Aaron’s Blog Tour Bonanza!”

Guest Interview

@Scath, better known as G L Drummond, agreed to give an interview about her next science fiction release. This is a precursor to the blog tour she’s embarking on in order to promote her new title. Here she talks about her influences on writing, her inspiration and the reasons why you should get hold of Code Walker


An Interview With G L Drummond

What’s your name and where do you come from?

G L Drummond
Gayla Drummond, writing as G. L. Drummond. I hail from the planet Ork…wait, that’s not it. I’m a hybrid from Katarr…sort of. Oh, all right, I’m from Planet Texas. Yes, I do say y’all a lot.

And are you here for the free cape or the free sunglasses?

G L Drummond
If the sunglasses are Xray, they’re my choice.  Wait. Is the cape like an Invisibility cloak? Because that would be cool.

Continue reading “Guest Interview”