Cover Reveal: New Book Covers For The Indigo Skies Series

I know you guys have been dying to finally see this…

So here we go!

Indigo Skies Series: New Covers

As I’ve previously mentioned, I wasn’t happy with how my covers for the Indigo Skies series had turned out. In fact, I mentioned a bit more than that in my last post on the subject.

But here we go…

You may have noticed an extra cover added in there for a title not yet released in the series, Those Who WaitThis will be my next release regarding the series and details of that will be posted soon.

But first…

Preying On Time & Baying For Blood

Those who read my previous post on this subject will know that my intention was to release a more updated version of both Preying On Time and Baying For Blood as I felt that both needed significant editing to bring them in line with my development in writing.

Basically, I wrote both stories when I was much fresher faced in my career as an author. And whilst I stand by the stories they both tell, I felt that my standard of writing had grown significantly since both were published.

Subsequently, I’ve edited them to reach a standard that I feel much happier with.

And I will be altering them on their various sites this weekend. That means up to date versions of the books and new covers. All of my Indigo Skies books with new covers. Paperback covers will take longer to arrange, but will be available as soon as possible.

But, just to sweeten the deal, I will place both Preying On Time and Baying For Blood  ebooks on sale for… FREE*.

Just until next weekend. And then they will go back to their normal prices.

*Except Amazon as they don’t allow any books to go down to free even for a short time period.

Everything In Between

Here’s a better look at the new covers for books 3 to 5 of the supernatural series.

Those Who Wait

A full post will be put up detailing the upcoming release of Those Who Wait, but, until then, here’s the cover I’m sure you’ve been waiting to see!

Watch this space!

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