I’ve had a busy week, not least because it’s my birthday on Tuesday and it was Valentines Day last Tuesday. Unfortunately, as far as Calling The Wolf is concerned, that means that I didn’t get much editing done.
Instead, Bear and I have been pretty busy. Valentines Day culminated in a quiet night in together. Howard was at work during the day, so I tidied and cooked. Then we cuddled up on the sofa.
He got to drink the beers and eat the snacks from his Beer Hawk gift set whilst I devoured a box of Black Magic chocolates and enjoyed the bouquet he’d bought me. It’s terribly cliché, but I love getting flowers. Especially ones that smell nice!

Speaking of flowers, I’ve started using Pinterest properly recently. I’ve made several boards with ideas for the future. Most of them are house related and one is garden related. I’m really looking forward to having a proper garden where I can really let my imagination inspire me. And, after this past week, Mr Bear and I are closer than ever to gaining that patch of paradise!
That’s right! We spoke to a wonderful lady this week about getting a mortgage and owning our own home to see how possible that would be with the funds we’ve scrimped and saved. It turns out that we’d be able to borrow the amount we hoped for. Which is more than great! In fact, it means we’ve set up some house viewings, too.
It’s all very exciting and, as first time buyers, very very new. So, that was a pretty good start to my birthday celebrations. Howard Bear also managed to get a few days off so we can spend time together, too!

On Friday night we celebrated both my birthday and the fact that we could organise house viewings by having a few drinks with friends. It wasn’t a particularly loud or raucous affair, but it was really fun. And the people whose company we enjoy most are the ones that showed up.
Just for good measure, we also booked a table for a birthday meal with my parents and Bear’s dad at The Bluebell Inn at Weaverthorpe on the Saturday night. The pub is also a guesthouse. I’m glad we booked a table in advance because it was pretty busy there. And I’m not surprised. The food was absolutely delicious – especially the desserts!
We got there for about 7pm but must have stayed until at least 10pm because we were all having such a good time. The only hiccough of the evening was when my dad somehow managed to choke on a piece of crackling during his first few bites. I guess he must have been really hungry and tried to wolf it down without swallowing!

Afterwards, Bear and I came home to snuggle up and admire my second bouquet of flowers. Birthday ones this time! They smell just lovely and had been delivered earlier in the day from my parents.
All in all, it’s been a great birthday. Though, I’m technically not twenty-seven until Tuesday, so I guess the celebrations can continue! Ha ha!

Seriously, though, I’m going to get a move on as far as editing Calling The Wolf is concerned. But please excuse me if I still remain excited and slightly distracted by the prospect of our house buying future!
And, because I totally forgot in the wake of the cover reveal etc, I must give a huge shout out to one of my best friends…

Because you guys totally deserve to be the happiest you can be. And I’m totally looking forward to your future nuptials.
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