Eves & Days, Christmas & New Year (2016-2017)

To many, it’s been a long and painful year. An awful lot of really well loved celebrities have passed away. There were also writing friends who should not have been taken so soon. There have been some good things this year, though, as this list describes.

And it’s also been my best ever year for book sales. 57 might not be a lot in the grand scheme of things, but I think it’s a fair bit. Especially when there are so many books out there from so many more well known authors.

Besides, I feel sure that next year we’ll hit the 100 mark. So, readers, let’s get spreading the word for 2017!

Even though everybody else has had a rather rubbish 2017, I’ve had a pretty good one. Howard Bear and I are nearing a sum of money that will allow us to start looking for a home of our own to buy for the first time ever.

Howard Bear & I had a day out together with the amazing time off we have in sync!
Howard Bear & I had a day out together with the amazing time off we had in sync!

I started a new job with a fantastic team and much less stress than before. However, I will admit that I do miss the team from my last workplace. It was a very difficult decision to turn down a management position that I was recently offered there. I still think it was the right thing to do.

Especially as my current job gives me both January and February off. That allows me to get house jobs done and crack on writing Calling The WolfIncidentally, we end 2016 with Calling The Wolf a third complete at 20k words.

Hi. I'm Barley Biscuit & I like to sit on all of Rebecca's 'Calling The Wolf' notes.
Hi. I’m Barley Biscuit & I like to sit on all of Rebecca’s ‘Calling The Wolf’ notes.

Other things that have made 2016 a personally good year include this site, which still isn’t even six months old by my reckoning!

I’m aware that I didn’t manage to make a post before Christmas Day, but we were rather busy trying to visit family members and get everything sorted. We had a lot of gifts to get delivered plus people to see. We even took the train through to help keep us on a schedule.

As you can tell, it was lovely weather for a train ride.
As you can tell, it was lovely weather for a train ride.
Howard being thoughtful...
Howard being thoughtful…
Train selfie!
Train selfie!

When we got home I had to prep the last bits and pieces for Christmas dinner, too. It didn’t go disastrously this year, either, but we were rather too full to finish, as you may be able to guess by the plateful below!

We were rather spoiled this Christmas, too. Howard had bought me plenty of lovely things and even arranged for my favourite author to send me a delightful email. Plus, I had lots of beautiful gifts from family and friends too. Including the Harry Potter heat changing mug that one of my amazing best friends got me.

I solemnly swear I am up to no good...
I solemnly swear I am up to no good…

Tonight, it’s New Year’s Eve. Howard and I have no real plans, but we’ve got a few drinks to see us through into the new year and we have each other. I’m hoping that this next year will be amazing for us as a couple.

And I also hope it will be amazing for you and yours. So….

A very merry Christmas and a happy new year to you and yours!

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