And by seasonal, I, of course, mean Christmas time!
I put my tree up yesterday. Howard Bear wasn’t massively happy, but he was glad that I waited until we were closer to December this year before I allowed the seasonal madness to take over! Of course, even without a tree up, I already had a stockpile of presents.
I’m working on being organised this year as far as giving goes.
After all, my job is seasonal, which means that we are closing down for winter. That means that we’re cutting down to opening just for Sundays to the public during December.
We do also have a few Supper With Santa evenings running, but you have to book in advance. Incidentally, if you’re in the Scarborough/Whitby/Harwood Dale area, you should totally book yourselves and your kids in for the first few events.

This seasonal shift does mean, however, that I will have far more time to get writing done. As well as a few other jobs around the house. But writing Calling The Wolf will be my primary focus. Now that the plot is finally sorted, everything should run more smoothly.

I’m also much happier knowing that my parents are relatively okay for the meantime. My mum has even had confirmation of a hospital appointment to help with her knees. I’m concerned that, with the appointment being next month, they might move it back. She’s in a lot of pain at the moment.
Anyway, I shall let you guys know how my writing progresses. I’ll also keep you informed of how my nights masquerading as an elf go!
Ciao for now!
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