Dinner, Mice, Spn, & New Site Progress

It’s been a busy week so far and, I don’t doubt, it’s only going to get busier as we are hosting our first wedding at work this weekend.

Last weekend we went for dinner with Howard’s father, siblings and grandparents, which was nice. We’d meant to see them a few weekends previously but things hadn’t worked out and so we’d ended up rearranging plans.

However, it ended up being a lovely meal and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Will be nice to meet up with them again soon.

On another note, I may have mentioned that we finally finished watching season ten of Supernatural (spn), which is great because it means we are nearly caught up, but terrible because the finale to season eleven has just aired and the whole thing won’t be released for dvd or streaming until October time. So we have a long Winchester drought ahead of us.

I only hope we can cope.

We also have a new neighbour. He’s tiny, furry, and has a long tail to match his exceedingly long whiskers.

That’s right. There’s a little mouse living somewhere in the wall opposite our flat. He’s very cute and he keeps pinching all the seed I leave out for the birds. Barley and Salem keep attempting to find him, but so far they’ve had no luck.

It’s quite funny to watch really.

I should also mention that it was our fourth anniversary this week. We celebrated this time by going for a meal at our favourite Chinese. The food is always good there and the staff are always pleasant. It seems ridiculous to think that Bear and I have been together only four years, though. It feels much longer than that, but then, when I consider how we have so much to do together, it doesn’t feel like any time at all!

There’s also much more progress on the new site! We finally have the banner completed and work is underway to build the rest of it. So far it looks good, but I know that by the end it will look amazing and you’ll all love it!

But for now, I’ve got to get back to Violet, Simon, Logan, and company!

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