So, for the last three years, I’ve been part of a fantastic team at our local Pizza Hut. That’s right, I’m finally revealing the name of the restaurant where I’ve been working. Having now finished there, I feel like I can tell you about it more openly.
It’s been three years of ups and downs with some brilliant team members and even a couple of great managers. I’ve made some great friends and there are a lot of people that I will truly miss working alongside.
I’ll be having a leaving party in the coming week, which will also be my birthday party (twenty-six years young). So that will be the last time I get to see most of these guys together (unless they deign to invite me to future parties).
Obviously, I’ll want to drop in from time to time, but I’ll no longer get to see them on a regular basis. There’ll be no more winding up Amelia & Jason or making cutlery puns or having Scott complain about my music whilst cleaning (and then singing along) or trying to convince Robbie to leave the kitchen & take food orders instead.
I’ll miss them all, but I probably won’t miss getting stuck on every single kids’ party because nobody else wants to do them, early phone calls and texts whilst I’m asleep begging me to come in for a clean they’ve forgotten to schedule anyone for, getting attacked by geese on the walk to work, and when kids drop nachos/breadsticks/ice cream/bacon bits all over the floor and all the way to their table.
Of course, I’m looking forward to the new place as much as I am going to miss the old one. There are going to be new challenges in a new environment and I’m excited about it.
But before I start, I have a week to myself and a birthday meal to attend tonight with my parents. A week today is my birthday party/leaving do as well, which will hopefully be a good send off. I may even hug people/let them hug me! Who knows?
And that’s a big ask, being someone who isn’t very keen on the whole hugging thing. The only exception is Howard Bear who has to put up with hugs from me instead.
Anyway, my week off will be spent relaxing, getting ready for the new job, and writing the next two novels in the Indigo Skies series, which I’ve already started. So wish me luck, guys!
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