365 days of ups and downs. I’m sure you can read back on them all if you really want to, but I thought it would be quicker to mention the ones I can really remember here in this single, all encompassing post.
We started the year with two book releases. Not my first title, but my first two novel length pieces; Preying On Time and Breaking Cadence.
First titles in both their respective series, I was glad to get these books finally out there for people to read. Plus, the publishing process is extremely exciting to go through.
Of course, this leaves me grateful to both Gayla Drummond and the other members of Katarr Kanticles Press.
And then we ended the year on a high with the sequel release for one of these series, Baying For Blood.
In total, we have 33 sales for the year – not a bad number considering I’m hardly one of the writing elite and I don’t do all that much promotion due to lack of money and time. The fact that I have sold any at all is still, in itself, an amazing feat to me. And I’m so glad to have so many readers supporting me and my work.
So thank you to all of those who have bought themselves a copy since we started together on this venture. I am truly humbled by your continuing enjoyment of my writing.
There are other writing related things that have also come to pass. Mostly, these involve taking the social media aspect of Katarr Kanticles Press under my supervision. This includes on YouTube, twitter, facebook and G+.
Of course, the past couple of weeks have been so hectic that updating them frequently has been complicated by family visits and such for the holiday period. Hopefully, with that now over we can switch over to the land of regular updates again.
As I mentioned, it hasn’t been a smooth year. My parents have both suffered from worrying health issues and we’ve had financial pressures held over our heads. However, 2015 is looking hopeful and I’m optimistic that things can only get better for us.
We did have a good Christmas, too, despite monetary qualms. Lots of presents were given and received and dinner was beautiful (of course, I made it and can say this for everyone else in our house). My parents spoiled me with a foot spa massager, which is delightful after a long shift at work. And Howard Bear went all out and got me a Wacom tablet so I can scribble straight onto the computer instead of taking the longer route around with my images.
Even the cats got a stocking between them.
So now we’re looking to this fresh year with a big old batch of fingers crossed. And I wish you all well on this new page.
Happy New Year!
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