Wolves, Plot Bunnies, Decisions & Halloween

You may or may not be aware that Baying For Blood is pretty much finished. Next week will hopefully mean cover designs and such for it and we’ll be well on our way towards its release, which is so unbelievably great.

I’ve been working on Baying For Blood since I finished Breaking Cadence back in March of this year. As the sequel to Preying On Time, it’s been a long time coming, yet it’s also the probably the fastest I’ve ever finished writing a book.

I’m hoping that this sets a precedent; meaning I can finish more books over all and still to a high standard in a shorter amount of time. Winter at work is likely to be quiet, bringing fewer shifts and more periods at home where I can carry on writing.

And what exactly will I be writing next?

The sequel to the Survival trilogy’s Breaking Cadence of course!

With the first book particularly dark, the sequel promises to be along the same lines, which is great for winter writing. First, though, I have to carefully plot out the scenes. There was a lot of deceit by the ending of Breaking Cadence and Forgiving Zander will be dealing with that as well as a whole lot more.

There isn’t a book page up for it yet, but I’m sure there will be soon. When it is, I’ll let you guys know. First, though, I need to get my head down in the next week or so and start that outlining.

Which leads us to ‘decisions’…

Things on the car selling front have changed. Howard Bear’s brother is no longer getting Pretty. I won’t go into details but it’s nothing to do with the car or me. However, I had saved up an awful lot of money with a mind to buying a newer car.

Now I appear to be keeping Pretty (the Punto) in the short term. The question is, however, do I only keep her for the short term, save my cash and get a newer model OR do I go ahead and buy myself a shiny new laptop and forego the car?

I am rather desperate for a new laptop. Mine is slowing quite a bit and the fans are constantly whirring within minutes of switch on. Not to mention the RAM/sound issues I’m starting to experience. It’s a shame because I do love this laptop and it has been well loved and used over the past four or five years. It is, however, beginning to fail me.

Clearly, it gets a lot of use. This is one of the reasons why Howard Bear thinks I should leave the car and focus on a newer writing mobile instead, but I guess we’ll have to see. I need to make a decision, but it needs to be the right decision and that also means finding the right laptop to suit my needs.

If only I could have a laptop custom built!

It would have tonnes of fans and more RAM than an angry billy goat in mating season. It would also be red, because… y’know… I like red.

Oh well…

Last but not least, we have Halloween coming up!

The Katarr Kanticles Press facebook page has been doing a month long Halloween show case of all its authors. There are mentions of my books on there as well as some other by other amazing authors. You should totally check it out if you haven’t already.

And there’s my Halloween party!

I’m totally looking forward to it and hoping that, with it being half term and with Howard off, I’ll get to spend more time with him too. Lately, with my hours and his work pattern, we haven’t been spending an awful lot of time together, which always makes things strained. So my wish is to actually get some time where we can see each other and not just occasionally cross paths.


Let me know what you guys are up to!

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