A Year In Our Home, Plotting & Bookcases

I finished plotting out Preying On Time’s sequel, Baying For Blood recently. This was, of course, in between working away at the day job. In fact, it was a particularly long, tiring week for that; not that I’m complaining because work means money and sadly that is what turns the world around (and means that I get bookcases for our place).

Did I tell you guys about my adventure with bookcases?

Well, Pretty is yet again broken – a suspension coil at the front on the driver’s side this time. Hopefully we will be getting that fixed at some point in the next couple of weeks. We shall have to see.

Anyway, with Pretty broken again, that means any heavy stuff I have wanted from town whilst Howard’s been at work has had to be carried home. Unfortunately, this meant that the two bookcases I bought at Argos, thus, had to be carried home.

And I almost died from exhaustion on the way. Turns out I was carrying nearly 20kg on my own through town and down a hill. Silly, yes, but by the time Howard gets out of work all the shops are shut.

Eventually, however, a very nice man offered some assistance and helped me carry my weighty boxes the last five minutes of my journey. Then I got in and collapsed on the sofa. The idea is that we can replace our big deep set bookcase with four small, shallower bookcases. These are in white so it brings a little more light into our gloomy kitchen area and eats less space up with depth.

We don’t really need a deep set bookcase. It just means that the books are stuffed too far to the back. Hopefully this new arrangement will give better kitchen access and show off my lovely tomes.

These are our final stages of getting our place exactly as we want them, too, which is incredibly exciting to me!

We’ve been here nearly a year now (we moved in last year around the 30th of March). It seems so long ago with everything that has happened in the past year such as Desecrated Bonds release & then being invited to publish Preying On Time too. It means I’ve been at my current day job almost a year too. Plus Barley is nearly a year old.

And I’m twenty-four on the 21st of this month! Not to mention Howard and I are nearing our second anniversary.

This time last year I didn’t think we’d ever find a job for me so we could move in together. Publishing any of my works seemed so far away and falling asleep every night with my lovely other half just seemed like it might never happen.

And now we’re almost completely settled bar a few minor alterations (little bits of furniture and things we need here and there), Desecrated Bonds & Preying On Time are earning me some recognition from readers whilst I write Preying On Time’s sequel, Baying For Blood, and concentrate on prepping for Breaking Cadences release with its sequel, Forgiving Zander, in the plotting stages. Not to mention how busy I am at the day job and how happy I am to be able to see Howard every night and cuddle our cats.

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