29th #SatSunTails Winners!

& so we have our #SatSunTails winner as judged by @AngelicaDawson (author of Blue Moon Housea copy of which goes to today’s winner)!

You can help by promoting next week’s #SatSunTails on your blogs, twitter, G+, facebook, tumblr etc, that would be great. Also, if you’re on twitter and you’d like an @reply every weekend in order to remind you that the competition is open then please leave a note regarding this along with your twitter handle in the comments of this post so I can set that up for you.

But for now, let’s get to the winners!

The Written Prompt

submissive control

Runner Up Mentions


Great use of prompt. The submissive is in control. She is driving this situation by pushing all the buttons she wants.


I like the tension between instructor and master. She is in control, able to walk away or pop her bubble at any time, but chooses to be submissive. 


Overall Winner


That is some powerful gum. An entire world in a bubble. 

Artistic Process

She resided in a realm having no need of substance or presence. For her purposes on this occasion, she adopted the form of an adult female of the bipedal humanoid sub-type. Since she’d be giving birth to something entirely new and wondrous, she found it fitting. It was the female of that species who gave life. This very much suited her mood as she began.

Concentrating, she breathed forth a bubble of the amorphous, quiescent vapors from which her creations were made. Its existence, at this phase, was exquisitely tenuous and would remain so as it evolved through the process.

As countless eons passed it would solidify and eventually come to be durable. It would remain under her submissive control until she felt it prudent to release it and observe its beauty in a wild, unfettered state. The only question remaining now was with what, if anything, she would choose to populate this newest world?

Critique Mentions


Interesting idea, bubblegum sculpture, but I didn’t get a good feel for the word prompt from it. A few sentences were really clunky.


I really liked this story, but I thought the first paragraph could have been deleted and those words used to tell us more about Melanie, who the story is really about. In only 150 words, there isn’t time to be in more than one head. Focus is key.


I like the bubblegum girl attempting to leave an abusive home even if it was into a more abusive life. I found the ending a little abrupt, though. As though she were leaning very much in one direction and then just flops in the other.

So thank you to all of those who entered.  The criticism is never meant to harm. It is there to help you better your writing and someday win overall. I’m sure it will also benefit those who were not criticised. I hope this has helped you as well as encouraged you to join in again next week!

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