The Death of Another Summer

Tomorrow is the start of the #DiceGames blog challenge. So that’s a thousand words of fiction for you every Monday this month. I also thought that I started back at work on Tuesday but apparently term begins on Wednesday instead!

So I have an extra day of freedom before I have to don my fluorescent coat and keep pedestrians safe as they cross the road.

Sadly this means that my summer of running around and being pretty free to do what I like has come to a close. It’s been interesting and a lot busier than past summers including lots of live music.

In recent years I hadn’t been able to go out and catch a lot of our local live music so I feel I’ve more than made up for it this summer. I really enjoy going to gigs. I always have despite the fact that I’m definitely not musically talented. I’d rather go to see something rather small and local, though, than pay tonnes of money to go out and see huge bands at festivals in fields where I’d have to stay for the duration. The fact that I can leave for home at any point has huge appeal for me.

You may have guessed from the things I’ve written here but I’m not particularly a people person. In fact, I enjoy being on my own almost too much. There are very few people I can stand to see lots of and I’ll quite happily hide away from the world only communicating through this screen. It’s a terrible reclusive habit, but after so much interaction I really do need to recharge alone and unbothered by other human beings.

It’s probably what helps me to immerse myself so deeply in imagined worlds.

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4 thoughts on “The Death of Another Summer”

  1. Sounds like a wonderful summer =)
    I also prefer something small. I like the intensity and sometimes you even get to talk to the members of the band later. One of my favorite bands (Misery Inc. disbanded now) dedicaded a song to me.

    I like the writter word better as well, it's easier to communicate on the internet. You have more time to think on your words without someone staring at you expecting an answer.
    Though I love listening to peeps 😛

  2. Hey Rebecca, Aw, you're like me, most at home when not around people. Glad to hear it was a good summer, and I hope the autumn (my fav. season) brings you inspiration, perspective and peace! (Oh that was cheesy) Namaste!

  3. That sounds awesome, Emilia. It must have been great to have a song dedicated specifically to you. =)

    Thanks Rhiannon. Autumn's my favourite season too. I just love the colours that everything turns. It's so beautiful. I hope you have a great Autumn too. =)

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