Virtuous Flash Fiction: Humility

Seven days…
Seven saintly virtues…


“It was me,” she lied, not daring to look back.

His face hardened and he rolled up his sleeves. The muscles in his arms flexed, pythons beneath his skin.

She stared up into his eyes. She’d had a good run, she reasoned. Centuries, in fact.

Celie protested, but she was young, barely a hundred. They wouldn’t listen.

Her mother lifted her chin resolutely.

It would hurt far more than turning had. It would make her wish for death.

As soon as his fangs tore her throat, she knew that to be true.

Even the soulless knew selfless sacrifice for love.

This post is part of the Seven Days, Seven Saintly Virtues Blog Challenge started by the lovely Lady Antimony of the blogThoughts, Musings and Broken Promises.

Are your virtues this courageous…?

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6 thoughts on “Virtuous Flash Fiction: Humility”

  1. Powerful story… I'm almost more inclined to call this one Charity (I know I see it in any story with self-sacrifice, I latched onto that part of the definition), but I am a little confused how this is Humility.
    Love the name Celie, and the fact that agism is an issue even among immortals who won't necessarily look any different at 500 than they did at 100.

  2. David, I latched onto the selflessness part of humility in regards to this piece. I confess I found the virtues much harder than the sins to accomplish.

    Thank you to everyone for reading my pieces. I really appreciate it & I'm glad you enjoyed them so much.

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