Sinful Flash Fiction: Pride

Seven days…
Seven deadly sins…


She ran her fingers over her chest, a half-smile curving in her reflection.

Her round eyes always glittered when the light stroked her, softening her pretty features.

The mirror was a present.

An enchanting present.

She twisted her hair back, fixing the clip into her tresses with delight that none could equal. Oh he had loved her. And now she was only concerned by his mirror.

That would please him.

Dust as thick as tar covered the glassy surface. And when she brushed it she didn’t notice the age spots on her hands.

Such was the beauty of her disbelief.

This post is part of the Seven Days, Seven Deadly Sins Blog Challenge started by the lovely Lady Antimony of the blog Thoughts, Musings and Broken Promises.

Are your sins this bewitching…?

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6 thoughts on “Sinful Flash Fiction: Pride”

  1. "Such was the beauty of her disbelief."

    I believe, folks, that we have a writer amongst us! This was BRILLIANT. And your page is so creative.

    Good luck in our career! You are SURE to go places.

  2. Very classic to associate Pride with a mirror, but your words are so beautiful it's definitely a joy to read. Is the mirror draining her youth? Or did she just stand in front of it that long? Whatever the case it certainly conveys her narcissism not to have noticed.

  3. Makes me wonder whether she was this into the mirror when she received it or after he left her and it was all she had left of him? Did she start how this into herself or did it happen after? Curious, I really liked the ending line very powerful.

  4. David & Glitter, I like to think it's up to the reader's interpretation as to why she's become so old in front of the mirror and whether she started her obsession before or after he gave her it. I'm glad you enjoyed it, though. =)

    And thank you to everybody for the lovely comments.

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