A Collection of Random

First on the list of random things: #UKWriter. This is a new hash tag for tweeters that two lovely ladies, @AnneMhairi and @LadyAntimony, created in order for writers in the UK to connect with each other. They observed how few UK writers there seemed to be interacting with each other on twitter and decided to do something about it.

I must admit that I often noticed how a lot of my writing contacts on the network are from overseas rather than from this side of the pond, so to speak. So if you are a UK writer and you feel like finding the rest of us, please try the hash tag. It would be nice to get in touch. Along with the #amwriting tag and the Aspiring Writers Pledge, I think these are great ways to get writers connected and talking.

And now onto some other news.

I have to express just how pleased I am with the response to my previous post (the flash fiction piece below). As has become the custom on this blog, another piece of flash fiction will be the next post to grace the journal and I’m planning on doing a continuation of the previous post considering how great the response was.

In further happy writing news, I’ve just about reached halfway to the 80,000 mark of general happiness on the WIP. So exultations!

I still have quite a way to go and then, obviously, comes the editing. However, this means that I am actually getting somewhere in my long slog. My #brainhamster has been running hard to accomplish so much lately and this is an incredible achievement for him. He seemed so happy when I told him how far we’d come. He actually moved when I poked him with a stick!

It was also my first day at work today after the two week half term. I’m already wondering how long it is until the next holiday.

Winking smile

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7 thoughts on “A Collection of Random”

  1. What a useful hook. Most of my followers are from the US, which is all well and good but they do have a tendency to misinterpret my jokes.

    So — I'm on a #UKWriter suck…

  2. Good luck with grabbing the #UKWriter tweeters, Whirloche.

    Thanks Scott. That flash piece is up & up I'm making some more headway with the WIP.

    Nice to meet you, Tame Lion. I'm glad you enjoyed the visit. 😉

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