@Scath, better known as G L Drummond, agreed to give an interview about her next science fiction release. This is a precursor to the blog tour she’s embarking on in order to promote her new title. Here she talks about her influences on writing, her inspiration and the reasons why you should get hold of Code Walker…
An Interview With G L Drummond
What’s your name and where do you come from?
G L Drummond
Gayla Drummond, writing as G. L. Drummond. I hail from the planet Ork…wait, that’s not it. I’m a hybrid from Katarr…sort of. Oh, all right, I’m from Planet Texas. Yes, I do say y’all a lot.
And are you here for the free cape or the free sunglasses?
G L Drummond
If the sunglasses are Xray, they’re my choice. Wait. Is the cape like an Invisibility cloak? Because that would be cool.
Can you tell us what your new novel is called and where we’ll be able to find it?
G L Drummond
It’s Code Walker, sci fi with a dash of romance. Amazon and Smashwords will be the first sites to find it at. Barnes & Noble, Sony, Kobo, Diesel, the iBookstore, AmazonUK, and Borders AU will have it eventually.
If Code Walker was a movie, what would its tagline be?
G L Drummond
Ooh, good question! Hm. ‘You’re never too paranoid’? Naw, that sucks. ‘Nice girls don’t code walk’. Nope, that sucks too. You know what? I sucketh hard at blurbage and tag lines, LOL. I’ll take it from Kate (who wrote the blurb for it): Life as the Code Walker is sweet.
With a tagline like that it already sounds terribly intriguing! Enlighten us. What’s the story?
G L Drummond
Only one person knows that Riley Cabot is the Ghost – the best damn cyber assassin around. Although ‘person’ is a questionable term, because TJ is a self-aware AI that she stole from the Pentagon.
During an outing as the Ghost, she’s interrupted by Seth Monroe, who is more of an old style assassin. Sparks ensue, as does a game of cat and mouse, until TJ interferes a little and then someone tries to kill Seth.
It’s rather fast paced with some action, comedy, and of course, romance. Telling anymore would probably result in a spoiler.
Having been privy to a sneak peek at Code Walker, I know that cyber assassins get to change what they look like with a virtual avatar. So if you were a cyber assassin, tell us, what kind of avatar would you have and why?
G L Drummond
My VRCA (Virtual Reality Character Avatar) would be a Werewolf Ninja. Totally.
Are there any novels or films, etc, that you drew inspiration from?
G L Drummond
Stargate, the Star Trek series/movies, The Lawnmower Man, and The Matrix movies. Also the Galactic Milieu Trilogy by Julian May. Those are the most obvious sources that I can think of, though I’m sure there’s others that had a part. I’m fascinated by technology and the idea of holo rooms, where you could immerse yourself into virtual reality, as well as the power of the human brain.
Reading a book and/or writing a story is immersing yourself into a virtual world. Except your brain’s the holo room.
How did this story idea come to you?
G L Drummond
That’s a good question. I started it back in 2008, and a lot of ideas for potential stories were filling my head at that time. That’s when the majority of my giant slush pile and WIP list was born. I think I was in the middle of writing another story, and Riley whispered ‘Brain jack’ in my ear. Pretty certain that TJ laughed right after she said it.
So I had to stop what I was doing and write that down, and it flowed from there until the chapter Bad News. Then another idea came along, or I got the mad urge to finish something else, and set Code Walker aside.
Riley sounds like a really cool character. Do you have a favourite amongst the characters in Code Walker or one that you feel you identify with the most?
G L Drummond
I love all my characters equally. Heh, I lie. I think the one thing I identify consistently with, for all my characters, are their senses of humor. Mine runs the gamut, so it doesn’t matter what theirs is. Dry, sarcastic, dirty, dark, silly, whatever.
Actually, I probably identify most with TJ. He’s a stranger in a strange world, trying to fit in. Has the one friend who does her best to help him do so, so he’s achieving that goal rapidly.
Everyone has their periods of feeling like the outsider. I live in a small town, and most people here give me the Look when I mention that I’m a writer. One of my friends here, after I described one of the stories I was working on, told me, “You are so strange.” Well…duh. LOL
Though the library ladies think it’s cool that I write. When I have a book ready for it, they want me to do a signing.
The library ladies are right, not that I’m biased, of course. But if you don’t have a favourite character, do you have a favourite scene or line from Code Walker? And if so, why?
G L Drummond
Thank you!
I think the scene where Riley and Seth first meet is my favorite. He’s a little ticked someone got to his target first, and I love how she plays along when he shoots her. Two lines from that scene make me giggle every time I read them: “Love your eyes. Can I have them?”
If readers want to find out more about your writing where do they need to go?
G L Drummond
My author’s website, GLDrummond.com; my blog, Feral Intensity, or for some taste testing, my web fiction site, Midnight Intentions. I do have a couple of other sites, but all of them are interlinked, so pretty easy to find.
And the last, most obvious, question… When can readers get their hands on Code Walker?
G L Drummond
On April 11th. When you publish digitally, it’s kind of hard to work out an exact release date for Amazon/AmazonUK. It can take 12-72 hours to go live there, if nothing weird occurs. Code Walker will be available on Smashwords that date. I’m going to release it for 99 cents the first 14 days, and then raise the cover price to the regular $2.99 after that. Once the cover price goes up, it’ll eventually be available at Barnes & Noble, Sony, the iBookstore, Kobo, Diesel, Goodreads, and BordersAU. Those are all Smashwords partners, and it takes a couple of weeks to propagate new titles to them.
Thanks for having me! It’s been fun.
Code Walker Blog Tour: April 11-17 2011
[Click here for more details.]
Code Walker is available as an ebook from 11th April 2011 online with Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Sony, iBookstore, Kobo, Diesel, Goodreads and BordersAU.
If you want a chance to win a free copy of Code Walker then be sure to comment below and check back in for a later blog post announcing the winner!
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Really excited about her new release. Yes you are weird G. DUH. lol!
LOL, nothing wrong with being weird.
At least to other weird types. Hee. =)