More recent changes to the blog. I know I make changes quite often, but they’re all done to help you along when you come to peruse this place.
I’ve also tried to make it more friendly to people who want to connect with the blog. On the left column, I added a NetworkedBlogs follower device by which you can show your support to the blog. There’s also the more traditional google friend connect button on your right.
Furthermore, you may have noticed an additional page on the pages list as well as a few other bits and pieces.
The pages have all been changed. I’ve rewritten my previously amateurish bio to make it a little bit more me and more fun for you to read. Hopefully, you’ll think I’ve done a good job of it. The flash fiction page has also been revamped as it was just getting a bit too hard to keep on top of updating every little piece of flash fiction and linking it to the page. So, instead, I’ve tried to make it a little bit easier to click through to the fiction and to understand the terms.
As well as the flash fiction page, there is also a new page with links to some of my other pieces of writing. Admittedly, some of these are old pieces and hopefully show how much my writing has progressed since then. Furthermore, there is a much better and more informative contact page. Hopefully, I’ve done a good job on all of them, but if you think there is anything that I’ve missed adding in then please feel free to comment.
Something else you may have noticed might be the piece of text in one of the blog columns entitled ‘WIP’. Here you can find out my current word count on my WIP (Preying In Time). I’ll try to regularly update it, but (let’s face it) I’m likely to forget so please don’t panic for me if I do.
Speaking of panic, I had to call an ambulance for my mum just over a week ago. As some of you may know, she had a mini stroke (transient ischemic attack) at the beginning of January. We thought she was having another one because she collapsed on the floor, was slurring and generally quite out of it.
Anyway, R and I called the ambulance. My dad got back from the shop just in time to head off with her and the paramedics. Nobody seems to know what’s going on with her because she came back past midnight with little news. The doctors told her that it wasn’t another TIA but that they didn’t know what it was. She’s been feeling dizzy and such since.
As you can guess, that’s why I’ve been neglecting the blog a little since then. It was a tiring week and it left me a bit emotionally drained to get on with anything. Coupled with a bit of niggling self-doubt and self-deprecation, It just wasn’t a good time to write this out and tell you all until I was more buoyed up than I’d been.
Obviously, I’m a bit refreshed, but my mum is still worrying everybody even though she refuses to acknowledge that anything is wrong and carries on getting herself just as stressed as usual. Hopefully, someone will figure out how to make her feel better soon.
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