Conservatives or Lib Dems? That seems to be pretty much the only two of the three large parties left. My friend, Natalie Powell, put it perhaps more aptly, “The only way Labour could win now is if Gordon was assassinated.”
Basically, I got downstairs to find my dad laughing, today. He told me that Gordon Brown (that’s our current Prime Minister and Labour leader) had shot himself in the foot. Now. my dad is a pretty big Labour supporter, so for him to say that is a huge thing. We argue about politics a lot. He’s one of the reasons why I said I wasn’t going to vote. I get bored of the arguments. To be perfectly honest, this has made me want to vote, though. And I’m pretty sure that vote will be for David Cameron (Conservative leader). Not only will this irritate my dad quite a lot, but I’ve been leaning that way a long time. I don’t care what the Conservatives did in the past and quite frankly I don’t think they did that badly anyway. It’s what they’ll do now that bothers me.
Anyway, to return to the story…
Gordon Brown was doing his campaign thing and got into a discussion with this old woman, Gillian Duffy (a 66 year old widow). If I’m completely honest, she seemed like one of those fairly bossy types that’s used to telling people what to do and getting her own way. Either way, I wouldn’t have described her as the Prime Minister did. He was perfectly kind to her on the street. He answered her questions and even managed to convince her to vote Labour again (she was a lifelong Labour supporter) and then he got into his car. This is where the trouble started for Mr Brown. As much as it also makes me laugh at the fact that it really is a huge fail totally worthy of the ‘ph’ spelling that you normally only give to noobs on forums, it is actually quite serious in the grand scheme of things for Mr Brown.
He forgot that he was wearing his microphone.
If you’re in a political campaign and you forget you’re wearing a microphone: it is not a good thing… especially when you make the remarks that Gordon has made. This a transcript: “That was a disaster – they should never have put me with that woman. Whose idea was that? It’s just ridiculous…” He gets asked what she’d said. “Ugh everything! She’s just a sort of bigoted woman that said she used to be Labour. I mean it’s just ridiculous. I don’t know why Sue brought her up towards me.” You don’t have to believe what I’ve written, though, because there’s a youtube video below which shows the moment that it was played back to him on the BBC’s radio show. You can even see him put his head in his hands and I bet you he wanted to groan something along the lines of, “Oh god…”
He called the woman to apologise (this was probably around the time that I was watching an interview with Nick Clegg, the Lib Dem leader, on his thoughts about the matter – he seemed pretty amused but as if he was trying to be serious). She’d said she wouldn’t vote for anybody after hearing his remarks in the car about her. Of course, the apology over the phone didn’t work so he turned up at her house and stayed inside for 45 minutes. My friend commented that the old woman had probably knifed him or similar. At one point I said that he was coming out, then tried to rectify that in case she thought I meant he was gay whilst she asked whether he was alive or in a body bag. As you may realise, this has caused us intense amusement.
Gordon Brown came out of the house smiling and said that he’d apologised, was ‘penitent’, she’d accepted and then he practically ran away. It was quite funny. I’ve personally never seen him move so fast. Shortly afterwards, one of the Labour press officers came outside and told the reporters that Mrs Duffy wanted them off her driveway and that she’d said she wasn’t going to talk to them. The press asked him if she’d accepted Gordon Brown’s apology and the guy said he didn’t know.
Anyway, this is my amusement for the day. Feel free to tell me what your views are.
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I'd vote for Brown just because of that. All he needed to do was roll down the car window and stick his middle finger out at the old cow and I might've actually been tempted to go through with it.
Nah, I don't want to. =P