“& still you turn my world on its axis.”
Last night was a bad night. I am okay, though. It’s just stress and strain. I’m trying not to write an emo post. All I ever seem to do when I post in here is be emo and I don’t mean to be. I don’t mean to whine etc. I just use this place to collate my thoughts and yeah… I only go on about him because I do miss him. And yeah, he was right about the fact that we connected so easily – but that is fine. It will be fine. I’m probably just lonely. That’s what it is. Yeah. Except it’s ’cause I miss him.
And Jonno is avoiding me. He has his online status hidden to me on facebook and I’m pretty sure he thinks that means I won’t know that he’s online. I mean, really, come on… How thick does he think I am? With my slight paranoia and analytical skills, I can deduce whether he’s online or not, even if he does hide. I get sick of people avoiding me like that. I’m not a dufus. I’ve learnt the art of figuring out what people are doing online even if they think they’re being discrete. I guess I can understand why the little chicken shit is hiding, though. Blegh. I hate men so much… and yet, I know a lot more lads than lasses that I talk to. =/
Mafia game is ongoing again and I’m in charge this time. RedChu is already dead and NAL only just survived. I’m hoping they’re all enjoying having me in charge for a change and my little changeover stories.
I need some chocolate. =(
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